


5月19日发表于Diabetes Care上的一篇文章显示,一种新的无创呼吸测试法可以辅助检测出糖尿病前期患者,无需抽取血液进行有创诊断,比如传统的OGTT方法,极有希望成为一项非常有前景的大规模筛查方法,尤其是应用于儿童的时候。

From Diabetes Care
Published: 05/19/2009

Novel Noninvasive Breath Test Method for Screening Individuals at Risk for Diabetes


Diagnosis of pre-diabetes and early-stage diabetes occurs primarily by means of an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), which requires invasive blood sampling. The aim of this study was to determine whether differences exist in breath 13CO2 excretion during a 13C-labeled OGTT between individuals with normal glucose tolerance (NGT) and individuals with pre-diabetes and early-stage diabetes (PDED) and whether these differences correlated with blood glucose kinetics.

Research Design and Methods:

Blood and breath samples were collected at baseline and every 30 min for a 10-h period after ingestion of 75 g glucose isotopically labeled with 150 mg [U-13C6]D-glucose.


Age (56 ± 5 vs. 47 ± 3 years) and BMI (31 ± 2 vs. 31 ± 2 kg/m2) were not different between individuals with NGT (n = 10) and PDED (n = 7), respectively. Blood glucose concentrations were significantly higher in those with PDED compared with those with NGT from baseline to 4.5 h after glucose ingestion (P ≤ 0.05). Glucose-derived breath 13CO2 was significantly lower in individuals with PDED compared with those with NGT from 1 to 3.5 h after glucose (P ≤ 0.05). Peak breath 13CO2 abundance occurred at 4.5 and 3.5 h in individuals with PDED and NGT, respectively (36.87 ± 3.15 vs. 41.36 ± 1.56‰ delta over baseline).


These results suggest that this novel breath test method may assist in recognition of pre-diabetes or early-stage diabetes in at-risk persons without the need for invasive blood sampling, thus making it an attractive option for large-scale testing of at-risk populations, such as children.

全文链接: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/702988


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